Neobux celebra San Valentín. Descuentos Referidos!
Jue Feb 13, 2014 2:24 pm
Neobux se nos pone romántico, y con motivo de San Valentín, el 14 de febrero, este viernes, el Día de los Enamorados, la PTC ha decidido devolvernos todo "el amor" que le damos todos los días nosotros a la web como usuarios.
Este es el mensaje oficial que ha publicado Neobux en la web:
Celebrate Love
St. Valentine's day reminds us of the ones we love, the ones we never forget every day of the year.
Always cherish the ones you love and celebrate that feeling with care and passion every minute of every day.
Love comes in many different forms and each one of us feels it in different ways but one thing we can all agree: Love is what life is about.
To give back some of the never ending love you give us every day we're having a small promotion.
Renewal discount on referrals for all memberships:
30 days: 8%
60 days: 13%
90 days: 20%
150 days: 27%
240 days: 32%
These renewal discounts will be available until February 15th at 17:00 server's time
Solo dura hasta el 15 de febrero, el sábado, así que, al toro!
Este es el mensaje oficial que ha publicado Neobux en la web:
Celebrate Love
St. Valentine's day reminds us of the ones we love, the ones we never forget every day of the year.
Always cherish the ones you love and celebrate that feeling with care and passion every minute of every day.
Love comes in many different forms and each one of us feels it in different ways but one thing we can all agree: Love is what life is about.
To give back some of the never ending love you give us every day we're having a small promotion.
Renewal discount on referrals for all memberships:
30 days: 8%
60 days: 13%
90 days: 20%
150 days: 27%
240 days: 32%
These renewal discounts will be available until February 15th at 17:00 server's time
Solo dura hasta el 15 de febrero, el sábado, así que, al toro!
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